Trusted & Transparent Way to Purchase

Precious Metals

Buy, sell, & trade gold, silver, palladium, platinum.

IRA rollovers into Precious Metals                                                      

Need help finding key date coins to complete your collection? We can help!

Trusted & Transparent Way to Purchase

Precious Metals

Buy, sell, & trade gold, silver, palladium, platinum, IRA rollovers into Precious Metals    

Need Help Finding Key Date Coins To Complete your Collection? We can Help!                                                                                                     

Land of Lakes Coins, LLC

Licensed and Bonded

Coins & Precious Metals Dealer in Minnesota

Bullion Product Dealer License Number

Land of Lakes Coins, LLC
Land of Lakes Coins, LLC

Free Appraisals

At Land of Lakes Coins, LLC, we provide a complete market analysis of your coins and evaluations of your precious metals.

We are readily available to assist you with any questions you may have regarding precious metals. 
